Presidents, CEOs, Business Owners, VPs of Sales, Chairman and Sales Managers must have asked yourself this question. There are many possible reasons but more importantly we must look beyond the typical symptoms and identify the underlying cause. Focusing on the symptom is like chasing the bullseye around the target
What is keeping the salesperson from hunting consistently? What is keeping them from listening so they can ask the right questions at the right time? What prevents the lack of value and rushing to the presentation? What crates longer sales cycles? What causes bloated pipelines? What you need to know:
The cause of the problem lies much deeper between the ears. When you go beyond the surface of the symptom and the reason for the question in the first place, we must know at an individual level what are the hidden or invisible weaknesses that are neutralizing their strengths.
The answer is proven in science by evaluating more than 2 Million Sales Professionals, inside over 30 thousand companies from 200 different industries. The answer is what we call Sales DNA. There are 6 factors when present in your sales and or sales managers mind that prevent new business.